A few weeks ago, I got Covid.
I had just played five games in a sledge hockey tournament, stayed in two Airbnb’s, was on the road, and came home Sunday evening, exhausted.
A few days later I was feeling sick, and I tested positive on the following Wednesday.
I didn’t think it would hit me so hard, but I was down for the count!
Like, really down… I could barely do anything some days and I struggled more than I care to admit.
I am now on day 14 and have tested negative twice. Reflecting on what I went through, I thought I would share five quick tips that helped me get through a few rough couple of weeks.
Monitor Your Progress
If you can, monitor your progress somehow.
I use the Whoop Strap. Alternatives could be a Fitbit, Apple watch, or Garmin.
Thankfully I have a ton of data already to show me where my baseline is, and when I looked at the numbers, it helped put into perspective how hard my body was really working.
You can see how fast I went downhill.
Seeing this gave me perspective on how hard my body was really working to stay alive. I made sure to continue tracking so that I could monitor what is going on.
I also noticed a correlation on days that I forced myself to do (a small) workout, I slept better that night, and my HRV would increase.
Tracking, I found, helped put my mind at greater ease.
Focus on Nutrition, Sleep, Exercise
Though I did mention exercise, in no way was I doing very much.
Living with an spinal cord injury, I already have low energy every day before I wake up. There were many days I could barely get through the day.
However, we must remember to always focus on what we can control.
I believed that I could still control my diet… eating lots of greens, drinking plenty of fluids, and making sure to get fresh air and go for a walk when I could, and try to always be in bed by 10pm.
I have said time and time again that nutrition, sleep, and exercise is the foundation of self-care.
Focus on keeping a strong foundation with these three pillars to not let things get worse.
Focus on keeping a strong foundation of these three pillars to not let things get worse. Share on XPractice Acceptance
Something I have learned is that for most of us who get sick, we are going to have to ride the Coronacoaster.
One day you are sick as a dog, the next you think you’ve beat it, and then two hours later you are in bed with the lights off.
Work doesn’t stop, and you might have to. There might not be anything you can do to keep pushing yourself through this.
There were many days that I was forced to take a step back and just accept the fact that my body needed rest, and that is a very difficult thing for me to do. What I kept telling myself was to “Complete what must get done, the rest will be there tomorrow. Rest up today, so you can come back sooner rather than later.”
Mentally accepting that I had Covid and there was nothing I could do about it (other than not making it worse) was another big step that helped me get through it.
Give Yourself Permission to Relax
I had to get through acceptance of having Covid first, but once I did and I was laying down, I also had to give myself permission to relax.
This is another way of saying “practice self-compassion” and allow yourself time to relax.
Watching a tv series, reading a book, or just listening to relaxing music during the day with the door open letting a fresh breeze come in were all simple pleasures that I sometimes won’t allow myself time to enjoy.
I found that giving yourself permission to do something that makes you happy is key.
If you keep telling yourself “I don’t deserve to relax”, then you’ll constantly feel exhausted no matter what.
If you keep telling yourself “I don’t deserve to relax”, then you’ll constantly feel exhausted no matter what. Share on XStay Positive (The Good Kind)
When you have Covid, you want to test negative, but remember to stay positive.
As much as I am a keynote speaker helping others shift their mindset, I still must continue to work on my own.
During these two weeks I would say things to myself like:
“Something good will come of this” – I got sick before my speaking gigs and vacation!
“What can I learn from this?” – I have a weakened immune system, more than I knew!
“How can I use this to help others?” – This blog!
Keeping a positive mindset that this is only temporary and that good things can come from misfortune is another simple shift that you can make to get through the Coronacoaster.
In Conclusion
In the end, I didn’t try to bio hack my way out of covid. I did double down on Vitamin D, Vitamin C, and I was taking a fist full of supplements every day (too many to mention). Those are the most important.
I think since not everyone will have the time or resources to hack covid, these are the biggest tips I was able to take away that may help someone else going through this 6th wave.
At the end of the day, these are the small things that make a big difference like I speak about in my keynotes that help you become a hero in your own movie.
We all get knocked down, but you won’t be knocked down forever. If you get sick, Covid or not, focus on these key simple steps to help yourself get back on track as quickly as possible.
Enjoyed this article? Here are three more to help you succeed:
How to be Patient Managing Change
How to Say “No” and Maintain Your Boundaries
Whenever you are ready here are the 3 best ways I can help you:
Get a FREE copy of my autobiography, Still Standing: When You Have Every Reason to Give Up, Keep Going (here)
Looking for a speaker for your next event? Watch Kevin’s keynote reel on The Hero Mindset (here)
Interested in team building? Come play and and learn more about the Sledge Hockey Experience (here)