September 28, 2021

It’s hard keeping your wellbeing on track. Life throws you in so many different directions.

Lately, I have gotten out of my routine lately as I am trying to move. Waking up every day with things out of place, your home not feeling like a home, and more unknown on what your schedule is going to be for the next several days can be frustrating.

When I asked my audience “What do you need help with?”, I had questions come to me around “How do I adjust getting back into the groove this fall?” and “Do you have any tips to get yourself back on track?”.

As I have been transitioning myself, I have been doing everything I can to make sure I have my foundation in place – my wellbeing strategy – so that my mindset stays in the right place.

Knowing that it may help you as well, I thought I would share with you five tips to help you do the same…

September 22, 2021

I’m currently reading the book titled “TRUST” by Iyalana Vanzant.

I got into the book because I signed up for a 90-day program with David Neagle. David teaches money mindset for entrepreneurs and we are currently working through some of this book to get a better understanding on how as entrepreneurs, we can often lack self-trust to believe in our abilities, decision making, true desires, and much more.

Currently we are reading a section titled “DARE TO TELL THE TRUTH”.

The sub section I am at is on “Truth, Honesty, and Trust”, and it begins by talking about fear and how to dismantle it.

It made me think, when we are working on being courageous around all of the challenges we are facing today, this is how you can find a way to take control…

September 14, 2021

Let’s face it.

It has been over 15 months since many of us have seen each other, been together in person, and in many cases, perhaps not even met each other!

While the province of Ontario is still in its own world in terms of reopening the economy, the time has now come for me to make the decision to reopen our in-person team building program, the Sledge Hockey Experience.

“Why?”, do you ask?

Well, aside from the fact that it would be awesome to play sports again, here are five additional reasons to consider playing this fall…

June 17, 2021

Yesterday was the first time in months that I was able to get outside and enjoy a patio in public.

It was a familiar and unusual feeling.

I wasn’t uncomfortable, but it was weird how much I had forgotten the feeling of being in that environment and how great it was to connect in person.

We were discussing the blog post I recently shared on 5 Tips to Help Disconnect and Enjoy Your Summer.

Building on that, I thought I would take it a step farther to additionally provide you with 10 Ideas to Help You leave Lockdown…

June 2, 2021

This week, the province of Ontario announced its reopening plan, which is both figuratively and literally, a breath of fresh air.

Ontario residents have been long awaiting a chance to resume some form normalcy and get back outside in group settings to reconnect with others and enjoy the warm weather.

While sunshine is calling our name, there are still workaholic habits that have been created over the last 14 months causing work to bleed into all hours of the day, leading to extensive burnout.

As you look to maintain your mental resilience and continue to implement The Hero Mindset in your day to day life, here are five tips to help you plan your reintegration as you disconnect and enjoy the summer ahead…