January 25, 2022

This year, on January 28th, will be the 12th iteration of Bell Let’s Talk Day, promoting mental health and wellbeing.

It’s something that millions of people participate in, sharing stories and offering support to those who need to reach out if they are struggling.

I am a huge proponent of speaking up for mental health. At the same time, I love to always bring the conversation back to focusing on what we can control.

As we continue the dialogue this year, here are five tips to help you focus on your wellbeing.

January 11, 2022

Now that you’re back to work from holidays, what has the transition back to your work schedule looked like?

During the holidays, you likely let down your boundaries so that you could relax and enjoy some well-deserved time off.

Makes sense! I did too!

However, something that came up in conversation recently was the topic of boundaries and how they help you readjust and keep your life balanced heading back into work.

If you need some help adjusting, one strategy many people find helpful is what I call “The 3 P’s” which are to prepare, pause, and practice…

January 4, 2022

Getting back into the swing of things after the holidays can be a bit of a challenge.

You might be coming off several plates of indulgence, copious amounts of liquor, and possible negligence from anything to do with exercise beyond putting on and taking off your comfy clothes each day.

(You did change your clothes over the holidays, didn’t you?)

Even for the best of us who have great habits and routines, we can fall out of rhythm in what we like to do.

If you happen to be at a different place and just need some tips and guidance to get going again, know that there’s no need to stay down in the dumps longer than necessary.

Here are five tips to help get your started…

December 27, 2021

Every year around the end of December, we often start to reflect on how the past year has gone and the pros and cons that made it beautiful or not so great.

Personally, I like to recap my year by taking a glance back over my calendar and searching for milestones that stand out to me from keynote speaking and workshops, or the Sledge Hockey Experience team building events.

I also search for major events like weekend getaways, festivals with friends, road trips, or anything else that stands out as something to remember…

December 7, 2021

As we move closer to the holiday season, it can become a stressful time for many.

Even under normal circumstances, trying to coordinate plans, buy gifts, wrap up year end reviews at work all while keeping projects moving along and your boss happy, can become very daunting and overwhelming leaving you feeling tired, exhausted, and again, burnt out.

Over the next few weeks, regardless whether or not you have the holiday break that we all dream of, it will be important to create space in your day to create space in your mind…