As a leader, you are likely pretty hard on yourself. You know that you have lots of people depending on you, you are a high achiever, and you don’t want to fail.
As a parent, you are also likely pretty hard on yourself. You know that you have children who are depending on you, you want to be the best mother you can be, and you don’t want to fail.
Regardless of who you identify yourself with, this topic is still going to be applicable for you.
Recently I was listening to the Aubrey Marcus podcast with Kamal Ravikant speaking about self love. Kamal wrote a book titled “Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It”.
In the book, he describes three exercises that you can do to help yourself forgive yourself, and be kinder to yourself.
After I practiced this myself, I experienced a significant impact in my own life. Then, after helping coach a friend, they experienced the same… and I think it will help you forgive yourself for a few things too.
In this video I break down Kamal’s three exercises and how you can do the same.
1) Ask yourself “If I loved myself, what would I do?”.
Think about a current challenge. Ask yourself, how are you treating yourself? Are you treating yourself with love, or are you mentally beating yourself up? How can you be kinder to yourself?
Ask yourself the question, “If I loved myself, what would I do?”.
2) Forgive yourself. Grab a piece of pen and paper, then write down “I forgive myself for _________” and fill in the blank.
Once you have done this with everything that you can think of needing to forgive yourself for, destroy the piece of paper. It’s both metaphorically and literally “letting it go”.
3) Write a new vow to yourself.
How do you want to treat yourself going forward? How can you be kinder to yourself? What do you need to do differently to become the person that would truly love themselves?
Start with this vow: “I vow to be kinder to myself”.
Start there. It will make a difference.
I know it can seem silly to be thinking about this and asking yourself these questions, but you have to ask yourself “How often am I hard on myself?”.
Probably more often than you should!
Give it a go. Even just ask the first question, and then let me know how it goes!
Ps. If you’d like to learn more about The Resilience Toolbox on demand, click here.
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